Thursday 17 January 2013

Posted by jinson on 08:12

Cheese Macaroni white sauce


225g (8oz) carrots
225g (8oz) courgette
4 celery sticks
170g (6oz) macaroni
235 ml (1/2 pint) vegetable stock
55g (2oz) butter
55g (2oz) flour
115g (4oz) cheese
Salt and pepper to taste



1. Finely slice the vegetables and cook in the stock for 10 - 15 mins until just tender. Drain and reserve the stock. Make remaining stock up to 1 pint with milk. Meanwhile cook the macaroni.
2. Then make the cheese sauce by melting the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and stir for 1 min. Gradually add the milk and stock mixture stirring all the time, when fully added bring to the boil and simmer for 2 mins, stirring constantly.
3. Off the heat add 55g of cheese and stir until melted.
Mix vegetables, macaroni and cheese sauce together and put in a dish. Then place under a hot grill or in an oven at 180C for 15 - 20 mins until the cheese is golden.